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canto, polifonia vocale

singing, vocal poliphony

Nato a Roma, Riccardo Pisani è stato puer cantor presso la Cappella Musicale Pontificia “Sistina” dal 2000 al 2003.

Ha studiato canto con Claudia Biadi Nizza e si è laureato a pieni voti in Canto Rinascimentale e Barocco con Sara Mingardo presso il

Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia di Roma.


Ha intrapreso una intensa attività concertistica, distinguendosi a livello internazionale in vari ruoli titolo monteverdiani e nel repertorio barocco collaborando con i principali ensemble di musica antica in Italia ed Europa.


Ha inciso per Ambronay Éditions, Glossa, Arcana, Ricercar, Brilliant Classics, Da Vinci Classics, Bottega Discantica, Elucevanlestelle Records, Dynamic e per varie emittenti radiofoniche e televisive.

Nel 2021 ha pubblicato l'album “La Cetra di Sette Corde” con l’etichetta Arcana, dedicato alla figura del celebre cantante Francesco Rasi, star del primo Seicento musicale italiano.

Born in Rome, Riccardo Pisani was puer cantor at the Cappella Musicale Pontificia “Sistina” from 2000 to 2003.

He studied singing with Claudia Biadi Nizza and he obtained his master degree in Renaissance and Baroque singing with Sara Mingardo at Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome.

In 2012 he won the special prize “Provincia di Roma” at International Sacred Music Competition in Rome. In 2013 he sang the role of Apollo in Orfeo (C.Monteverdi) for the Ambronay Baroque Academy conducted by Leonardo García Alarcón. In 2014 he has been selected as Orfeo by René Jacobs for the Royamount Foundation.

After this he started an intense career and became a distinguished interpreter of Monteverdi and Baroque opera roles, both as a soloist and in ensemble with the main early music groups in Italy and Europe.

He recorded for Ambronay Éditions, Glossa, Arcana, Ricercar, Brilliant Classics, Da Vinci, Bottega Discantica, Elucevanlestelle Records, Dynamic and for live radio and television broadcasts.

In 2021 he published a cd for the label Arcana on the music of singer Francesco Rasi, a star of Italian early Baroque.

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